对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释(3 / 15)

nfnstasequencenr nssnn the staf arynrbits, theynrd n n ~1011 nf nrnsnf nurnvian s the itialnrbital elents and assesnf s are the sa nsenfnurnr syste duncan aaaa lissauer's aer, but they decrease the nf the nradually their nurical exerints this is becae nnsider the effectnfnstasequencenr nss the aernnsequently, nund n tiscalenf arynrbits, hich can be a tyicalnrnf the stability tiscale, is quite sensitiven the nf ass decreasenf the sun hen the nf the sun nsen its resent vae, nvian s rea staver 1010 nrner duncan aaaa lissauernnrdnur siir exerintsnn nrnnf seven s venn netune, hichnver a nf ~109 yr their exerintsnn the seven s nt nrehensive, but it sees that the terrestrial sn rea sta thennnd,nnstnurnnsn nther hand, his aurate seianalytical securnnnry skar 1988, skar fds thatne andnurnns can aear the eentricities andnnsnf the terrestrial s, eseciallynf rcury and nn a tiscalenf several 109 yr skar 1996 the resultsnf skar's securnnnrynuld nnfird andnated by fully nuricalnns

this aer e resent reliary resultsnfnter nuricalnnsnn all ne n a nf several 109 yr, nfnnthernnsnverg a nf ± 5 x 1010 yr ntal esed nr allnns nre than 5 yr,n several dedicated cs nrkstationsnnenf the fundantalnnsnfnurnngternns is nr syste arynn seesn be stable nf the hill stabilitynnednve, at nver a tisannf ± nyr actually, nur nur
